UbiKann - Empowering Ubiquity

Burn Me Again (pun intended)

I always refer to it as the MP3 fiasco, as far as the music industry is concerned. But unlike when I was a kid, when I burnt myself, and decided I didn't like it and made sure I avoided the experience in the future, the music industry seems to like it ?!
To top it all they rely on and enforce protection systems that can a) backfire in catastrophic proportions and b) are recognized as being flawed.
If it wasn't for the fact that we, the users, have to navigate these weird and wonderful traps laid down for us by the music industry it would be quite funny 🙁
As usual I like referring to an old BBC article that states that a majority of people that download music actually buy a lot of CDs. (Hey the BBC site is good they don't just change all the links when they redo the site, can't remember when they did that last though).

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