UbiKann - Empowering Ubiquity

The spying CD

A CD from Sony that can tell how many times you have copied it !!!

I can remember that Martin, a flat mate at University, used to leave his copy of New Scientist hanging around in the kitchen for us to read. Since that time I have often bought a copy and now check the website. A pretty astonishing catch in this months issue concerning a patent from Sony.

First of all it's not astonishing from Sony since you may remember that they already made a complete mess with their previous attempt. Second, well, will they learn it's easy to hack whether they try to use software or hardware ? Third this could easily backfire on them, I'm not sure how but a company that has been so stupid thus far is bound to mess up again ! People have figured out how to spy on which links you visited using CSS so spying on what you played with this type of device installed would probably be feasible.

Allowing people to transfer the music to play on mp3 players is obviously not in Sony's interest. It's not like they make mp3 players (can you hear the sarcastic tone?).

Maybe Sony should read Architectures of control and “PRM” over at 'The Flowing Candy Bees', they might realise how they could be liable again.

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