Most people expected that the launch of Apple's mini thingy would put Amazon in a really difficult position. However, it seems on the contrary Amazon sales are up and went up soon after the announcement from Apple. Could that be people that realised that the Amazon offer was a) from a hardware point of view […]
I came across this my pure chance from an article on Mashable linking to the live video feed and it was just amazing. The courage you need to do what Baumgartner did is astonishing, just watching it, in pretty poor quality video at some points was, however, riveting...
A report from Forrester Research and GSI Commerce illustrates the fact that social media has little to no effect on purchasing power. I've often thought this was the case and that people were far more inclined like myself to follow results from search engines and newsletters I get especially reghardware for example, but that might […]
A report that you can find over at Distimo (you need to register to get it) shows that there are now more free apps for Android than there are for any other platform as you can see below in the chart: So the journalists and bloggers that just can't spend enough money at Apple were […]
Nice little experiment from Honest Tea. If you came across a store where you were expected to be honest, and pay a dollar a bottle, would it work in your town or country?
Android market share keeps increasing. iPhone owners in the media seem to be getting jittery, looking to question Android on as many points as they can think of. I'm curious to see so many articles, like on Econsultancy, Computerworld and Read The Web, questioning the numbers about Android dominance or questioning the quality of the […]