
UbiKann is a blog/site managed by  John Garner. He's been adding to it, on add off in various forms, since the 90s.

Legal note on retouched photos: call for legislation in France

An article in "Le Figaro" discusses a move in France by Valérie Boyer to request a legal note be added to photos that have been modified. Although this request is specifically with regards to photos that depict very slim to skinny women, specifically the fashion industry, other bloggers provide interesting arguments for this to be […]

Changing memory on the 1005ha Asus EeePC

Very simple procedure. All you need is a small screwdriver and some gentle but determined hands 😉 Turn your closed netbook over First turn your computer over so you can see the back of it as the image below: Circled in red is the panel that has 1 screw you will need to remove to […]

Look at what I'm looking at

A very interesting study over at UsableWorld illustrates how images used in articles that have faces can have unusual effects on what people look at. Depending on the direction the faces are turned it changes the way people read the page. In this first example the face of the baby is looking straight forward. You […]

Field of flowers

Just had a look over some photos I took when I went to Britanny a few weekends ago with Amandine. I came across some taken when we stopped in a field full of some vibrantly coloured flowers ! Lovely 🙂

Obama, Content Management and Enterprise 2.0

A very interesting video presentation from AIIM that discusses various interesting topics including that of how Content Management and Enterprise 2.0 helped Obama win the presidency: This is the explanation provided on the blip tv site (weird player I must say but hey it does the job): Re-recording of John Mancini's keynote presentation at the […]

Changing keyboards on the Asus EeePC 1005ha

Short explanation on how to change the keyboard on an Asus EeePC 1005ha

Windows 7 Ultimate in Europe: if you do, buy it in the UK

I just came across Windows 7 Professional at £149.98 on Amazon whereas across the channel in France Windows 7 Professionnel E costs € 284,90 According to xe.com today this gives you: 149.98 GBP = 172.710 EUR So currently on Amazon France and Amazon UK the difference between the same flavour of Windows 7 is €284,9 […]

Change Keyboard from English to French at Login screen on Windows 7

I had a problem the other day trying to get a Windows 7 operating system, that is in English to work with a French keyboard. Of course, I hadn't set it up myself, but was asked to change the system after the fact. It initially had an English QWERTY keyboard and then my friend started […]

The history of wireframes etc.

Just came across a great post over on the Made by Many blog that provides an insightful history of wireframes and how designing webpages has evolved over the years to see the convergence of information/experience architect and designer 'savoir-faire' and far better wireframes in the process 😉 Yes the article is called the future of […]

Living the blogging life; ups and downs

I just came across a post on Jeff Atwoods 'Coding horror' site (can't even remember how I ended up there), and a post about blogging, more specifically the reactions you can get from irate people. I'm not sure his recommendation to ignore people is 'the' solution but it's an interesting point of view and account […]

Client and vendor relationships played out in the real world

Carrying across the types of situations that occur between clients and vendors (in the B2B world) to real world, everyday situations, now that could lead to some funny situations, couldn't it! I was perusing my dear Mr Marks blog and came across a link to Mr Potter's blog where I found the below video. What […]

Funny .Tel domain name advert

Just came across this advert for the .tel domain name. Even though it is not new I'd never seen it and I find it quite funny. Especially when you view it on Youtube a little banner at the bottom that invites you to buy the song on iTunes, "Sweet about Me" by Gabriella Climi...

Experience Architecture in website designing

The importance of experience architects in creating or updating a web site is often underestimated. There is a general tendency to fudge the initial user experience phase (sitemaps, personas with their specific user journeys and wireframes) or even skip it and jump straight to concept designs that are then fleshed out to 'wow' the client. […]

Windows 7 64 bit on Dell XPS M1210

Well here I am, writing about how great the Windows 7 RC1 operating system is, directly from my Dell XPS M1210 64 bit version. Although I went through a fair amount of trial and error and one complete re-install I'm happy to say nearly all the core elements are recognised and no more yellow triangles […]

The first impressions of website designs

Designing sites is a great opportunity, especially when you are lucky enough to be surrounded by clever and experienced people. When you can combine extremely talented people at all the different levels you require to build a website the results can be amazing. Although traditional advertising agencies are starting to learn that they need to […]